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Midnight Bite Page 4
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Page 4
“This disturbs me as well. He walks in the light of day?”
“Yes. We believe he does. I have asked for more information. It could be mortal gossip, so I hesitate to question too sharply for fear I will attract attention. But we intend to discover further what his intentions are after you and Phoebe leave Tuscany and are safely ensconced in California. But just know this. I have been warned.”
“Warned? And by whom?”
“Our staff discusses things with those working for other families. It seems he is someone known to those of our kind who live in tribes in the deserts of North Africa. I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors and who knows whether any of this is true.”
“Yes. When I was learning about The Family ways, Maria Monteleone used to tell me the stories coming from India and elsewhere. Before I knew my place, they frightened me. She told me of sultans and great kings who kept vampires as pets in silver cages and harvested their blood.”
“Yes. Sickening creatures, although I have never met them. We used to tell the children those gothic tales so they would not wander without their protection details. I must admit, Phoebe and her brothers spent some sleepless nights awakening from nightmares.”
Dominicelli then went into detail explaining to Lionel everything that had taken place that day. He showed him the trunks and boxes being prepared and loaded for shipping. The staff had packed up all of Phoebe’s personal things, including furniture and personal items that they knew as a family she would want to take with them to California. It was all arranged to be shipped in the huge steel shipping container and would take approximately two weeks to arrive.
“We have left certain items that Phoebe may want to take with her on the airplane. Have you traveled by plane before, Lionel?” Her father squinted, looking up to him.
“Yes. I have accompanied Monteleone children ever since airplanes were invented, though it was always the family’s preference that we traced the children to places they were traveling when young Marcus and Paolo were growing up, as was the only option available at that time. But I’ve flown with Lucius many times. Now that things are more complicated, airline travel is their new preference.”
“You encounter other species on those flights?”
“Indeed, I did. The dark coven lords actually enjoy traveling in large groups with mortals. Unfortunately, that’s how they meet women, find their prey. Disgusting.”
“I am not so sure I could have your stomach for the plane rides. Frankly, I’m more afraid of mortals, with all the problems they’ve been having on planes. Who knows whom one can trust?”
“I see your point. However, Marcus has secured the entire manifest, so there won’t be anyone traveling he has not approved, sir.”
Mr. Dominicelli went on as if he’d not heard Lionel. “Knowing what I know of mortals, as well as all the crazy dark covens out there, I’m just not convinced it’s safe. I mean, can you imagine someone wanting to end themselves by driving a plane into a building? And they are young mortals.” He shuddered.
Lionel agreed that he greatly preferred the company of other Goldens, even some other dark covens, covens created by birth and not turned, like he and his brothers, than he did to large groups of mortals.
“Very good. At least this way you will travel with Marcus and Paolo and Anne and the baby, as well as the rest of the family and loyal staff on a secure plane. And that I think is smart. But be aware, Phoebe may be completely frightened of the experience.”
Lionel had a private chuckle. If only her father knew how fearless his daughter was in the bedroom, perhaps he’d be less concerned. But of course, this would have to remain private.
Lionel left her father, and returned to his chambers, finding Phoebe in the shower. He spoke to her through the glass door even though she begged him to join her. Her soapy breasts pressed against the glass and made him instantly hard. He changed the subject to get his mind off those orbs, or they’d miss their flight tonight.
“Your father has given me all the travel arrangements. You have about two hours to gather your things. They’ve left you several items in your room to search through and pack—items they thought perhaps you’d like on the airplane and others to send along later.”
“Just a quick shower. A little tease? Some good clean fun?”
She hadn’t heard a word he’d said.
“As much as I’d like to, my love, I cannot dally. There is still much to do.”
She rinsed quickly and then stepped out of the shower dripping wet, luscious in her fresh lavender soap scent, making her young mortal body as soft as the finest silk. Her exquisite form pulsed with passion and promise. It made him feel right as a new day. He handed her a towel reluctantly and she pressed it to her flesh her eyes dancing and teasing him, waiting for him to regret his abstention.
He placed a kiss on her cheek and growled when she dropped the towel to the floor.
“Don’t tempt me Phoebe.” His voice strained, images of the two of them fucking like rabbits difficult to remove from his head.
“Oh, naughty, husband!” she blushed.
He cursed under his breath and tried to think of worms and dirt, which didn’t help this time. He saw himself fucking her in the garden, covered in the black loamy soil of their future home in California.
By way of sweet reprimand, she stepped on his feet and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I live to tempt you, dear husband. I hope to do it the rest of our lives. It is simply the most joyful thing of my day. My really pretty place.”
And she was certainly his. How far he’d come, from dark brooding coven vampire to thinking about pretty things and what he could do to make her scream his name and want to dig her nails in his backside.
“You know this.” She continued her insufferable penetration of his mind space. It was almost cruel, all the ways he wanted to get even with her. He knew what he could shove in her mouth to make her stop wiggling and talking, urging him on so.
Her eyes flashed, eyebrows raised. “Yes! We can do that. I’ll swallow you whole,” she said between her fresh rosy lips, her tiny pink tongue darting around her white teeth, looking for a playmate.
“Dammit,” he said to himself and traced to the hallway.
Lionel checked trunks that had been stowed in a large shipping container that had been delivered to the front yard. He even helped to lift crates with some of the gloved helpers. He checked the manifest, noting that over half of the trunks contained Phoebe’s clothing and toiletry items as well as small lamps and tables from her bedroom. He could smell her scent everywhere in the container.
He also noted that a trunk of items were packed for a household staff who was planning to travel with them. He wanted to check this out further with her father.
He caught the elder Dominicelli as he was headed toward his rooms.
“Excuse me sir. It appears there is a household staff who will be accompanying us?”
“Yes, Lionel. Elena has decided to join you in California. She’s known Phoebe since she was a young girl. I think it will help with the transition.”
“Very well. And when will she join us, or shall we pick her up on the way to the airport?”
“She is at the Monteleone’s right now and will be traveling with them to the airport. Her younger sister will be tending to Anne and the new baby and has just been chosen for that service. You and Phoebe will meet up with them at the airport.”
“Very well sir. I think we are nearly ready. I’ve checked everything. My own needs can be stowed in a small satchel I can take on the plane.”
“Nothing more? After all these decades you’ve not accumulated anything for yourself?”
“I’ve been given many wonderful things in my lifetime of service, but none of them are material. My job and my life have never been about things, but people, duty and protection.”
“Honorable. My only regret that you’re leaving is that I’ve so much to learn about you, Lionel.”
“I’m not going anywhere, si
r. We have centuries to catch up.” Then he remembered one of Phoebe’s requests. “Your daughter has told me she wishes that I trace, but if she’s bringing too much on her person, I’m not sure it’s a wise decision.”
The elder Monteleone he chuckled. “The women in this family are fabulous, Lionel. But they are far too attached to their clothing and jewelry. It seems that as the centuries go, they collect more and more stuff. I don’t have to tell you that there is protocol. You are staying in someone else’s home. I am not entirely sure that Marcus and Anne will appreciate all the items Phoebe wishes to send. But you have my permission to trace with her, if you desire it.”
“Thank you. And, I understand. I believe my first test as protector-husband might be to part Phoebe from some of her things. We will make sure anything of long-standing family heirloom quality will be returned to you here in Tuscany, sir.”
“Very well.” Dominicelli frowned and looked both ways up and down the hallway. “Freya has decided not to say goodbye,” he whispered. “She’s already gone to bed. I hope you will let Phoebe know?”
Lionel shook her father’s hand, placing his other hand on top “You have been a wonderful father. I continue your legacy, in quite the same vein.” Lionel hoped Mr. Dominicelli didn’t pick up on his little lie. “I also promise that I will not rest until Phoebe has traveled safely into the arms of her fated mate and future husband. As much as it may pain me to say it, what I do will be a labor of love. I love your daughter sir. You and Freya understand this, I’m sure. But I will willingly send her on to her true destiny when the time comes. Rest assured, this will happen.”
Lionel witnessed her father tear up just before he closed the door behind him. He knew that if the roles were reversed, Lionel would never be able to give his daughter up. Possibly ever.
He’d been telling the truth about finding Phoebe’s fated mate because he felt certain somehow that would mean he would be the chosen one.
The airport was a busy scene. Lionel escorted Phoebe to the terminal desk where they presented their oversized bags to the attendant. Marcus stepped forward when a minor kerfuffle arose with the airline employee. He paid the overage in cash generously. He justified this and argued with the employee that since so many of their family didn’t have baggage, and since they’d secured the entire plane, that Lionel and Phoebe’s baggage should be disregarded. With an added glamming for good measure, all was made well.
At last they all made their way on board the plane. The entire First Class section was taken up with the Monteleone family and a few trusted staff. Everyone else sat in the rear of the plane. Hugh had offered his seat to someone else so he could sit in the middle of several of the young household mortal women. He settled in with a drink and began using his powers to line up future liaisons. Jeb was seated behind Lionel and Phoebe and rolled his eyes each time he turned to watch the smooth moves of his brother. Peals of laughter filled the rear of the plane. Hugh was going to be the flight entertainment, nestled in the middle of nearly twenty young women, from kitchen staff to housemaids. He was getting drunk and dosing them with glam.
“So, are you excited, brother?” Jeb asked over the back of the leather seat.
Lionel wasn’t sure whether he would call it excitement or apprehension. Phoebe was watching his face as well as watching through the window at all the activity below. Before he could answer, the flight attendant announced the plane was ready for takeoff.
She leaned into him and whispered, “So, if something goes wrong, would you have time to rescue me? I mean, have you ever traced from an airplane before, Lionel?” Her eyes were wide, innocent, and he just wanted to watch her think.
“We’ve speculated that it could be done. But I wouldn’t call it recreational, like the times I trace us downstairs, or out into the middle of the forest, Phoebe. With all the moving parts of the plane,” he continued as the jet engines kicked in and at last the plane darted forward down the runway, “we’ve sometimes speculated that upon landing we might take with us a piece of the plane, perhaps embedded in an inconvenient spot.”
He couldn’t hold back the laughter that was making him feel like he’d explode. “I have no idea, sweetheart. You wanna do it just for fun? Is that what you’re saying?” He grabbed her wrist. “Come on, let’s do it!”
She balked, deep worry lines forming at the top of her nose, as the force of the plane pressed her back against the seat. She clutched his hand, her fingers threading between his. “I’m scared.”
He knew exactly what to do, and it didn’t involve giving her some erotic fantasy that would eliminate her fear state of mind. Turning to face her head-on, he blew into her nose, sending wisps of hair up off her forehead as her eyes grew heavy and she fell into a deep sleep. He gazed upon her young face for several minutes before he sent a message to Jeb. He was confident none of the Monteleones would be able to hear him.
‘I sincerely hope this will happen to you some day, Jeb.’
‘Not a chance. I’ve already experienced enough of the things you two do in the shower, and in that upper room at her parent’s house to know that it’s just not my thing. Right now, I am rather enjoying being a spectator.’
‘You scoundrel. Have you no shame?’
‘Better than Netflix. Less expensive, too. A little too much pink for my tastes, though.’
‘Now I’m seriously considering how unwise it was to save your sorry ass.’
He decided to will himself to sleep as well, thinking of all the wonderful things he could show his new bride in California. He would need to arrange a protector to show her the area during daylight hours. He knew from pictures he’d seen, that she’d love it. He wanted to show her everything he and his brothers loved about living there.
The flight was long and as they headed into New York and approached the eastern seaboard, the sun was just beginning to cross over the horizon. The brothers and several other protectors of the dark clan were housed in a hotel suite to sleep the day. The nonstop flight from New York to San Francisco would commence at dusk that evening.
When the final leg of the trip was completed, a long line of black limousines were waiting for them at the arrival gate. Although he showed Phoebe the lights of San Francisco and the Golden Gate bridge, he knew that somehow he would manage to get her an escort so she could see the beauty of the bridge and the sailboats on the bay during the light of day.
The two-hour limo ride was unremarkable, and she slept resting against him.
At last they traveled through the trendy town of Healdsburg in the early morning hours before sunrise. Lionel remembered well their evenings of partying and chasing mortal women when he and his brothers got an infrequent evening off. No doubt Jeb and Hugh would enjoy those times again.
Several new buildings had been built and the town was preparing for some kind of a festival with colorful banners that arched across the Square. Phoebe’s face had been plastered to the window asking questions about various things she saw as the limo sped up along its way through the Dry Creek Valley. Meandering up through legendary vineyards, at last the massive Monteleone estate could be seen. It was flooded with light, like a castle perched on the hill, a crowning jewel at the top of the moon-lit vineyards and valley floor below.
“Oh my God I can’t believe I’m in California. Look at this place Lionel. It’s amazing!” Phoebe was like a little girl again, trying to take it all in.
“Yes sweetheart. It does rival anything you’ve ever seen in Tuscany. I think it is the most beautiful villa in the whole world. I’ve spent centuries studying places and I have to tell you that I think you will be very very happy here.”
The bags and trunks were unloaded by the staff who greeted Marcus at his own doorway. He hugged and spoke to each of them, one by one. Several of them fawned over the sleeping toddler in Anne’s arms. At last, Marcus greeted his new visitors and welcomed them inside.
“Phoebe, I want you to understand that this home is now your h
ome. You may stay here as long as you wish. With the extra protections we have within these walls you should feel quite safe and comfortable. We have lined the entire property with special electronica, and we have a full-time staff that does nothing but see to it that all of our mortal family is protected.”
Phoebe ran into the foyer, twirled like a schoolgirl, and shouted her expression of joy. She turned to Marcus.
“Where is our room?” she asked.
“Upstairs.” Marcus pointed, and gave Lionel a wink.
Anne stepped forward, holding baby Ian. “Sweet cousin let me show you. It’s on the second floor. And you have the entire wing to yourselves. There is a kitchen staff who can serve you day or night. You have your own living room. You may entertain as you wish. And your bedroom is twice the size of the room you had in your mother’s home.”
Phoebe turned to Lionel, putting her hands on his shoulders. “Trace me there immediately please, husband.”
Jeb and Hugh behind him chuckled. Marcus shrugged his shoulders. Anne smiled, jostling the baby. Lionel stepped back, bowed to Phoebe, and then stepped into her embrace. He traced the two of them to the landing above.
Looking down upon the family who had begun congregating in the foyer, he reveled in their laughter.
Phoebe tore down the hallway, and Lionel ran behind her to catch up. “This is so cool!” she said as she grabbed Lionel’s hand.
He wanted to trace her to the bedroom where he could strip the clothes off her body. The urge had gotten stronger over the past 24 hours. But he was also enjoying her total mirth at being in California, sharing part of his intimate history with him at the beautiful estate.
The large oak doors opened almost on command. Lionel remembered that there were sensors on every doorway which could be turned off and on manually. This was to ensure that whomever stayed there, if they had a mortal companion, wouldn’t be compromised in the middle of a restorative sleep.
The windows had remained open, but Lionel knew they’d be automatically closed at the full of nighttime to give the occupants full protection. A large bed in the center of the room was covered with a gold tapestry fabric which matched the fabric on the settee placed in front of the window ledge and the adjacent one that was its mate. There was a walk-in closet that was nearly as large as the old bedroom in the Dominicelli estate. Phoebe turned around in circles looking at the size and scope of it, preening in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror.